
at a glance

our story

Clarence and Peggy Shivers inaugurated the Shivers African-American Historical and Cultural Collection in 1993 with a substantial gift. A major fund raiser – the Shedding Light Celebration – was held over the Thanksgiving holiday biennially. These Celebrations have been extremely successful and are the major source of funding to fulfill the educational enrichment mission.


  • Excellence in Arts and Culture Trustee Award
  • Unstoppable Woman Award
  • Karen Possehl Women’s Endowment – UCCS
  • Charles Burrell Award
  • Girl Scouts Woman of Distinction Award (Peggy)
  • NAACP Living Legends Award
  • NAACP Community Service Award
  • Colorado Library Association Benefactor’s Award
  • League Community Service Award
  • Colorado College Community Diversity Award
  • Ent Credit Union YES Award
  • African American Voice Citizen of the Year (Clarence)
  • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority “Hats Off “ Award (Peggy)
  • Urban League Whitney M. Young, Jr. Lifetime Equality Award
  • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Citizen of the Year Award
  • Selected as Colorado Springs Heroes for the Children’s Week Calendar
  • Resolutions of Appreciation from the Colorado Springs City Council, El Paso Commissioners, Pikes Peak Library District Board of Trustee, PPLD Foundation Board, and Friends of PPLD Board
  • Local charter school now named Shivers Academy of Arts and Technology
  • Jacqueline Lundquist “Kara” Grant

*some of the awards that the foundation has received are not listed

El Pomar Foundation honors Peggy Shivers with Inaugural Excellence in Arts and Culture Trustee Award

| Read complete article |


Annually expands the African-American Historical and Cultural Collection at Pikes Peak Library District

Created an Endowment to support the mission of the Shivers Fund<

Sponsors a concert series showcasing young artist

Sponsors Classical Chat with Youth Workshops following each concert

Awards a $1,000 scholarship to a deserving youth annually

Provides grants for student participation in the Music Festival at Colorado College, the Vocal Arts Symposium at Colorado College and the Colorado Springs Children’s Chorale

Provided small grants to various youth and organizations within the community

Collaborated with the Colorado Springs Chamber Orchestra (A Shivers Fund alumni was guest artist at the concert)

Sun., July 31 | 4 p.m.
Colorado College | Packard Hall
Southwest corner of Cascade Ave.
and Cache La Poudre Street

Enjoy refreshments and meet the artists after the concert.

Returning on Sun., July 31, after a two-year absence

Shivers Concert Series at PPLD presents:

“An Evening of Inspirational Word and Song” in honor of Ms. Opal Lee, the “Grandmother of Juneteenth,” featuring special guest Ms. Gigi Coleman, great grandniece of Bessie Coleman the first female African American pilot.

This year’s concert is being offered at no charge. Seating is limited, however, RSVPs are still required.